Friday, January 8, 2010

What are some good recipes for Indian Fry Bread?

I'd love to have something that's not overly complicated. Thanks!!What are some good recipes for Indian Fry Bread?
Indian Fry Bread...only 5 ingredients!


* 1/2 tsp salt

* 2 tsp baking powder

* 2 cups all-purpose flour

* 1 tbsp vegetable oil

* 3/4 cup water


1. In medium bowl, mix together salt, baking powder, and flour.

2. Mix in oil and water.

3. Form dough into ball and set on lightly floured board. Pull off approximately ten golfball size bits, shape into balls, and flatten each into a pancake. Poke a hole in the center of each flattened circles.

4. Fill a large frying pan with about 3/4 inch of shortening or lard. Fry the breads for a few seconds on each side so that they are golden brown.

5. Set breads on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

6. When warm, breads can be covered in powdered sugar, like a powdered doughnut, by placing fried bread in a bag filled with a half cup of powdered sugar. Give bag a quick shake to cover the bread with sugar and remove bread.

7. These fried breads also taste great covered in your favorite jelly or jam.

8. To freeze, let breads cool and bag them in a freezer bag. Freeze for up to one month.What are some good recipes for Indian Fry Bread?

Yield: 1 Servings

4 c White flour

1 tb Baking powder

1 ts Salt

1 1/2 c Warm water

1 c Lard for frying (or your

-choice of oil)

Mix dry ingredients together. Add warm water to dry ingredients. Knead

until dough is soft and elastic and does not stick to bowl. (If

necessary, add a little more warm water. ) Shape dough into balls the

size of a small peach. Let these sit for 15 minutes. Pat out a bit,

pinch edges and then pat back and forth by hand until dough is about

1/2 to 3/4'; thick and is round. Make a small hole in the center of

the round. Melt lard in a heavy frying pan. Carefully, put rounds

into hot fat, one at a time. Brown on both sides. Drain on paper

towels. Serve hot.
Im from New Mexico and have eated Fry Bread more times than I could ever imagine.....YUMMY

Drizzle them with honey for dersert..which is the traditional way


you can pile ground hamburger, cheese, beans, lettuce, tomato, sour cream, and salsa on them to make Navajo Tacos for dinner. Some people also make them really flat and use them for burritos (instead of tortillas)
I have Cherokee Indian and Choctaw Indian heritage.

I have eaten Indian Tacos made with frybread. Yummy!

You can make an Indian Hamburger with frybread.

You can make an Indian Hotdog with frybread.

You can make a Dessert using frybread.

***Frybread Power!***
make fry bread tacos. Add seasoned meat, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, black olives, and jalepenos
make indians fry your bread:)
Dip it in gravy!!!!!yummy

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