Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pumpkin bread and pie recipes that call for real pumpkins?

I told my boyfriend if he took me to the pumpkin patch I would make him pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie. I can't find good recipes that call for real pumpkins you can buy from a farm. Any ideas? I'm new to baking and cooking.. so something for air heads would be nice :)Pumpkin bread and pie recipes that call for real pumpkins?
You can usually just replace the pureed canned pumpkin for the same amount of real pureed pumpkin. However, you may want to add a little but more sugar. I have a recipe online for pumpkin pie. It calls for the pureed stuff, but you can easily substitute. It also has a recipe for a home made crust! It is super simple to follow. Good luck and welcome to baking.. I am sure you will love it :)

http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Make-Grea鈥?/a>Pumpkin bread and pie recipes that call for real pumpkins?
The first thing you have to do is make pumpkin puree from your pumpkin. Actually the pumpkins at the pumpkin patch are usually a variety used for carving. While you can cook with these pumpkins, the pie variety are available at many grocery stores and are smaller, sweeter and easier to handle. Rinse the pumpkin with water and dry. Use a sharp knife to cut out the stem and then cut the pumpkin in half. Remove the seeds and stringy stuff and throw away. Preheat oven to 350. Put pumpkin cut side down on a greased baking sheet and bake for 1 hr. Cool pumpkins until they can be handled and scoop out the flesh, putting it in a food processor or blender. Blend until smooth and either use puree within 3 days or freeze it.

Once you have this puree, you can find any pumpkin recipe that calls for canned pumpkin and use your pumpkin puree instead.

You know the sad part. You could have saved yourself all the trouble and expense and bought a can of pumpkin. You can't tell the difference in baked goods or pie. Just for future reference.

I like pumpkin bread and there are a number of easy recipes on line. I like allrecipes.com. You will need pumpkin pie spice for use in most baked goods as well as flour, sugar, eggs, milk, baking powder and vanilla.

Good luck and have fun with your pumpkin.
The recipe I always use for pumpkin pie is:

1 cup of sweetened condensed milk

1 cup of evaporated milk

2 1/2 cups of real pumpkin (after you have taken the seeds out %26amp; skinned it %26amp; boiled it)

2 tablespoons of McCormick Pumpkin Pie Spice

2 pie crusts

Mix all together in a mixer or by hand until smooth %26amp; pour into pie crusts %26amp; bake on 425 for 15 minutes %26amp; then 350 for about 30-40 minutes (until brown %26amp; toothpick comes out clean)

Here is a pie crust recipe (for 2 pie crusts) also if you want to brave it to make real pie crust

2 cups of flour

1 teaspoon of salt

2/3 cups of vegetable shortening (Crisco)

4 tablespoons of real cold water

Which you mix the flour %26amp; salt together, then add in the Crisco a little bit at each time until all in %26amp; then 4 tablespoons of cold water, mix all together %26amp; then split into 2 and roll out into circle %26amp; place into pie crust.

Hope this helps you out :) you can contact me if you need any more help :P

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