Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What kind of HEALTHY recipes can I make with whole wheat Pita bread and Tortillas?

I love vegetables and I need some healthy recipes for whole wheat pita bread and whole wheat tortillas... what can i make with them? Thanks.What kind of HEALTHY recipes can I make with whole wheat Pita bread and Tortillas?
I like to fill pita with hard salami and parsley (you could substitute leaner meat, though). Parsley is a great sandwich green and is friggin' loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Another favorite of mine is to make enchiladas with home-made red sauce. (Use lean meat like chicken breast and use a low-fat cheese. Authentic Mexican food doesn't have as much cheese as Americanized Mexican food anyhow.)

Red sauce:

Heat a few Tbsp. of oil in a 2qt. pot and add an equal amount of flour. Heat and stir until the combo (roux) bubbles for a minute or so.

Add ~1/2 cup of paprika (sounds weird, but bear with me...) and a little cayenne or other spicy ground red pepper to taste and continue to stir. You may need to add a little more oil.

Once this is mixed thoroughly and heated (you want the paprika to toast a bit) add ~ 1 1/2 c. water and stir with heat until the sauce thickens. (If sauce is too thick, add more water. Too thin, add a little corn starch/water slurry. You want it to be kinda like pizza sauce consistency.)

Salt to taste.

Fill tortugas with chicken, cheese, onions, olives, cilantro, whatever the hell you want. Have fun with it!

Put ~a third of the sauce in the pan, layer the enchiladas on top, then spread the rest of the sauce on them. Top with a little more cheese.

Bake @ 375F for about 40 min (until sauce is bubbling and cheese browns a little).

I love this recipe and always make it with whole wheat tortugas (good source of fiber) and this red sauce (TONS of vitamin A and other antioxidants).

I never use a recipe, so your results may vary. But it's cheap and pretty easy, so a few practice batches won't be too hard.

(Everyone tells me that they're WAY better than anything from any Mexican restaurant they've had!)What kind of HEALTHY recipes can I make with whole wheat Pita bread and Tortillas?
Hi, again! :)

I buy whole wheat everything.. from bread to pita bread to tortillas, spaghetti - anything that you can buy in a whole wheat option is the best for your health, and personally, I think it tastes better too.

I'm looking forward to seeing what recipes the first answerer puts! Those sound delicious.. Anyways, I keep Pita Bread and Tortillas around all the time and really, I don't have any specific recipes, but there are so many different ways you can use them. Just use your imagination and add whatever you want. From raw vegetables to cooked it doesn't matter. I like to eat my pita bread with salad. It's also good to make Pita bread sandwiches, just use add everything you would add to a normal sandwich except don't use regular bread. Heat it in the microwave for a sec. and it's good to go! And yes, making Pita Pizzas is so good! I use organic pizza sauce (from the jar- never the can ewe) and add some shredded pizza cheese (or something light like Swiss) and add some cooked meat (if you like meat) and all the vegetables in your fridge - it's delicious. I'm a veggie fanatic and I cannot get enough of them! I love avocadoes too! They're very good on pita bread with the right combination of vegetables.

Avocado Pita Sandwich

1/2 of a large avocado

1 teaspoon Miracle Whip or Mayo

Chili Powder, Salt, Pepper, and Lemon Juice to taste.

Mash the avocado and add all the ingredients. Be careful not too add too much of everything, or it will be too strong. This is a simple Pita sandwich and it tastes delicious!

For whole wheat tortillas, yummm.. truthfully, I can just eat a tortilla alone by itself without anything else... but you can do so much with them! For dessert, try making:

Cherry Burritos. They're not like real burritos, but use some canned cherries (like the kind you buy for pie fillings) and heat them up. Put about two Tbsp. (or however much you like) on the center of the tortilla, and maybe add about a drop of vanilla (totally optional), and roll up like you would a soft taco, or a burrito. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon and a little sugar. You can do this with any kind of fruit - and it doesn't have to be canned. It will probably be a little better with canned just because it's sweeter, but with fresh it's much healthier! Try this with berries!

Make Tortilla Pizzas. Just like the Pita bread, add the pizza sauce on top and add your favorite toppings. It's just like a normal pizza but the tortilla is the crust. Very good!

Hope this helps and have fun with them!
i know of two different recipes one involving pite bread and tortilla's the one involving pita bread is very good it has leeks,cottage cheese,feta cheese,two eggs and some butter, and the other one involving tortilla is kinda like making ur own torilla chips but you can put like salsa, cheese and any type of spices on it and bake it(i will add how to make them later)
You can make mini pizzas with them, use some tomato or even spaghetti sauce. Add all of the vegtables you like...brocoli, artichoke hearts, olives, spniach, can add some fat free swizz cheese on top if you would like. Let it bake for a few minutes.

You can play around with them and make a lot of delicious treats!!!
pita is so good with hummus now im hungry to lol
  • g
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