Saturday, December 19, 2009

What can I use as a substitute for yeast in bread recipes?

My daughter is allergic to bakers and brewers yeast and I need to find a way to bake bread for her without yeast.What can I use as a substitute for yeast in bread recipes?
You can look for recipes using baking powder / baking soda instead of yeast. I will see if i can find any and re-post.

Here are some:……

There are more - try a search for ';yeast free bread'; (and use quotes). I got a lot more hits that way.What can I use as a substitute for yeast in bread recipes?
Some pasteries can be made with baking powder but very few.
baking powder or soda will help raise the bread and so will eggs but none like yeast so she might have to get use to ';flat breads'; dont get me wrong they are very good so enjoy
You may have to make Crackers, bread without yeast. Above sounds like a good place to start if the do have some recipes without yeast.
you can't use a substitute but you can find recipies that do not use yeast for bread. Try for Yeastless Bread recipes or just a google search under the same heading.

Yeastless Bread Recipes
yeast is an essential ingredient.
Use yoghurt ....really sour add sodium bicarbonate and sugar ... for a pound of flour you need to use a cup of yoghurt, one teaspoon sodium bicarbonate and about 20 grams (2 Table spoons) sugar.
This website has some alternative leavening agents. Good Luck
theres a thing called native/natural yeast, the yogurt thing vsatsanga mentioned is one of them. i knew you could make natural yeast out of apples %26amp; raisins too, but i wasnt sure of the way.

luckily tho, i typed natural yeast on google and found this:

they have the natural raisin yeast recipe at the bottom of the page.

hope this helps :)
You can try experimenting with other leavening agents. Such as baking powder and/or baking soda. Here's a quick link to a search for you. Good luck.
You can buy this book on her website:

or from

She is the author of several books, including What? No Wheat?

and Waiter, is there wheat in my Soup?

Brown Rice Bread

Using LynnRae's ';No Knead/No Rise'; Method

Wet Ingredients (put together first in a bowl)

1/4 Cup eggs

1/4 Cup water, plus or minus

1/2 teas vanilla extract

1 tsp cider vinegar

1/2 Cup applesauce

3 Tbsp light molasses

Dry Ingredients (put together in separate bowl)

2 Cups brown rice flour

1/2 Cup cornstarch

1/2 Cup tapioca starch flour

-- or personalize with your favorite GF flour mix

1 teas salt

2 Tbsp dry milk powder

2 teas xanthum gum

2 1/2 teas yeast

1 teas baking soda

1 Tbsp baking powder

(yes...the no knead/no rise method uses BOTH soda and powder, along



Combine wet ingredients in large bowl using mixer. In a separate bowl,

mix dry ingredients with a whisk, then slowly add the dry ingredients


the wet, while keeping the mixer on. After they are they are


mixed, beat for 3 minutes on low setting, until dough is ';pasty'; or


cake batter. Pour in a greased loaf pan and bake in a 350 degree oven

for 60-75 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. You can also

tap on the top of the bread loaf to hear if it sounds ';hollow';.


Subject: Gluten-free Sweet Breads (3) Collection

From: Terese murray %26lt;


Gluten Free Banana Nut Bread

Orange Cinnamon Bread

Rice Muffins

We discovered about 40 years ago that my Mom has Celiac Disease.

Because of this she can not tolerate any gluten or dairy. Over the

years I have collected a large number of gluten free recipes. Many of

the recipes I use for her I have found on the Internet but I did not

keep track of where they came from. These are recipes that I have tried

and that my Mom likes. I try to stick to recipes that are simple and

use mainly common ingredients.

Gluten Free Banana Nut Bread

1 cup mashed ripe bananas

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/4 cup chopped nuts

2 eggs

3/4 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

3/4 tsp. gluten-free baking powder

1-1/4 cup rice flour

1 tsp. gluten-free vanilla

1/4 cup vegetable oil

Combine bananas, sugar, and vanilla in medium mixer bowl, and

beat 1 minute at medium speed. Add eggs and mix well. Combine rice

flour, nuts, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in large mixer bowl.

Add banana mixture alternately with oil to dry ingredients, mixing well

at low speed. Pour batter into two 8 x 4 inch loaf pans. Bake 50-60

minutes at 350 or until done. Cool 5 minutes before removing from pans.

NOTE: This recipe doesn't rise. The bread is only a couple of

inches thick but my Mom likes it. She says she just cuts it into thick

slices. I have also substituted zucchini for the banana. When doing


add a little cinnamon.

Orange Cinnamon Bread

1 cup White Rice Flour

1/4 cup Sugar

2 Tbsp. Potato Starch

1 Egg

1/2 tsp. Baking Soda

1/2 cup Orange Juice

1/2 tsp. ground Cinnamon

Lightly grease 4'; x 6'; bread pan, set aside. Mix dry ingredients

together. Add egg and orange juice, mix well. Pour mixture into


baking pan. Bake 35 minutes at 350 . Cool before slicing.

Rice Muffins

3 Eggs

6 Tbsp. Oil

1 1/2 cup Water or fruit juice

3 cup Rice Flour

6 Tbsp. Sugar

2 Tbsp. Baking Powder

1 1/2 tsp. salt

6 Tbsp. chopped nuts, 3/4 cup Chopped Dates, 3/4 cup Raisins, or 3/4

Chopped Fruit (Optional)

Mix all together with electric mixer. Bake in greased or paper

lined muffin tins for 17 to minutes at 425 . Makes 18 muffins. CORN

MUFFINS: Use 1 1/2 cups rice flour and 1 1/2 cups cornmeal.


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