Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Where can I find low-cal bread recipes online?

oh this is the most difficult question. what to do, should I give you the recipe for amish wheat bread that is oh so good adn satisfying, or should I tell you to find a recipe with added fiber,, no molasses, or honey or anything in it that is a form of sugar. oh sh%26amp;%26amp;, just slice it thinner and enjoy it. I ate a whole loaf of that all by myself and I FELT ALIVE!!!!! ROAR!!Where can I find low-cal bread recipes online?
Bread must have certain ingredients in order to rise and bake properly. There's nothing you can leave out that won't make a big difference. If you really need to cut calories, slice it thinner, or only use one slice cut in half for a sandwich.Where can I find low-cal bread recipes online?
Try Crumpets instead. Got this recipe from an older English lady.


2 Cups (0.4732 liter) Water

1 Cup (0.2366 liter) Milk

1/2 Ounce (14.17 gram) Dry Yeast

1 Teaspoon (4.929 milileter) Sugar

4 Cups (0.9464 liter) Flour

Combine the 2 Cups water and milk, heat to lukewarm.

Disolve the yeast and sugar into the lukewarm water.

Add the flour and blend. Beat mixture for 5 minutes.

Cover and let set in warm place for 1 hour.


1/4 Cup (0.05915 liter) Warm Water

1 Teaspoon (4.929 mililiter) Salt

1/4 Teaspoon (1.232 milileter) Soda

Disolve salt and soda in the 1/4 cup of warm water.

Add to mixture and mix well.

Cover again and let set for 45 minutes.


Heat griddle and crumpet rings (moderate heat as for pancakes).

Spray griddle and rings with Pam.

Pour just enough batter into rings to cover bottom area.

Cook just long enough for them to appear dry looking (all bubbles popped).

Remove rings and turn crumpets to cook the other side.

Cook just long enough to dry them on this side.

Remove the crumpets to a towel.

After all crumpets are cooked, cover with another towel and allow to cool.

When cool, place them in a plastic bag and refrigerate until you are ready to toast.

Toast the crumpets at a slightly higher temperature than regular bread.

(Crumpets may be frozen for longer storage periods.)


Crumpets can be used for a quick toasted pancake type breakfast, a small pizza crust ready for baking or,

a variety of similar, single serving, dishes based on your own imagination.

Crumpet Rings

Crumpet rings can be made from a 3 pound (1.12 kilogram) coffee can.

Remove the end lids fron the can.

Cut the top and bottom 1 inch (25.4 milimeter), height measurement,

from the can with tin snips or a hacksaw.

To Insure The Sharp Edges Are Removed.

On the cut portion, either file the cut area smooth or, verticaly nip 1/4 inch (6.35 milimeter) cuts around the entire cut area.

Fold inward and crimp down these sections.

The snip and fold method produces a safer piece of work.

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