Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bakers in the mountains: Just moved to 7000 ft & need general rules of thumb for tweeking in my bread recipes

Also, do I need to make changes in my cookies %26amp; cakes, both scratch %26amp; boxed. And any other helpful cooking %26amp; baking tips for the high country--I wasn't that great to begin with, but now I'm a disaster --ha-ha :DBakers in the mountains: Just moved to 7000 ft %26amp; need general rules of thumb for tweeking in my bread recipes
This website will help a lot!



Practically all recipes and cooking directions are formulated for use at sea level. Many of these recipes

need adjustments to give equally good results at altitudes above sea level. Adjustments in some recipes are

necessary because as the altitude increases, the atmospheric pressure decreases. Air becomes thinner at high

altitudes and consequently exerts less pressure. In general, the Intermountain area should be adjusted to 4,000

S 5,000 feet. Check the elevation in your area and also the temperature at which water boils for accurate

adjustments. The two necessary adjustments are boiling time and leavening amounts. There are no definite

rules to use when modifying a sea level recipe for use at high altitudes. However, some general guidelines are

worth consideration.



At high altitudes, the

atmospheric pressure is

less and the boiling point of

the liquid will be reached at

a lower temperature. To check the temperature of the

boiling point of water in your altitude, place a

thermometer in boiling water (suspend in water, don’t

let touch the pan bottom). Leave the thermometer in

water for a few minutes after the water is boiling to

allow the thermometer to reach it’s maximum

temperature. This lowered boiling point amounts to 1.9

degrees for each 1,000 feet increase in altitude.

MEAT COOKING: When meats and poultry are

cooked by simmering or braising, additional time is

required at high altitudes. Because longer boiling time

will be required and moisture evaporation will be

greater, additional liquid may be needed. Oven

temperatures are not affected by altitude changes.

Sea level time tables may be used as a guide for meats

cooked in the oven.


mixture to a temperature 8 degrees higher than the

boiling point of water (see previous boiling

adjustments). If you do not have a thermometer, you

can use the “sheet” test. This is done by dipping a cool

metal spoon into the boiling jelly mixture. When two

drops form together and sheet off the spoon, the jelly

should be done. When using commercial pectin, follow

package directions.


| WATER BATH CANNING: If processing time is

20 minutes or less, add 1 minute for every 1,000 feet of

elevation above sea level. In Weber County, that

would be 5 minutes. If processing time is over 20

minutes, add 2 minutes for every 1,000 feet of

elevation. Weber County = 10 minutes.

| PRESSURE CANNING: The processing time will

not change but the pressure needs to increase 1 pound

for every 2,000 feet of elevation. In Weber County,

the recommended pressure is 12 ½ pounds.


| COOKING: It is difficult to give definite rules

because of the variations in size, variety, stage of

maturity and degree of doneness desired in vegetables.

Generally the cooking time will need to be increased

from 4 to 11% at 5,000 feet altitude. Cooking time can

be reduced by using a pressure cooker pan. Frozen

vegetables require less time than similar fresh products.

Usually it is sufficient to add only a minute or two to the

cooking time by package directions. Baked vegetables

cook about the same.

| FREEZING: Vegetables are blanched before

freezing to inactivate enzymes. Blanching or steaming

time should be increased one minute longer than the

specified times for 5,000 feet or more above sea level.

FRYING: Moist foods will require lower oil

temperatures because of the lower boiling point of the

water within them. French fries normally require an oil

temperature of 365 degrees but at high altitudes may

only require 355 degrees.

COOKIES: Although many sea-level cookie recipes

yield acceptable results at high altitudes, they often can

be improved by a slight increase in baking temperature,

a slight decrease in baking powder or soda, fat, and

sugar, and/or a slight increase in liquid ingredients and

flour. They may require reduction in baking powder

and sugar and a decrease in the amount of fat. These

changes increase the strength of the batter and improve

it’s ability to retain the steam long enough for a crust to

form. Many cookie recipes contain a higher proportion

of sugar and fat than necessary, even at low altitudes.

For more nutritious cookies with fewer calories, up to

one-fourth of the sugar called for often can be replaced

with nonfat dry milk powder without loss in product



OR BATTER CAKES: Use about one-fourth less

leavening called for in the recipe.

QUICK BREAD: Quick breads vary from muffin-like

to cake-like in cell structure. The cell structure of

biscuits and muffins or muffin-type quick breads is

firm enough to withstand the increased internal pressure

at high altitudes quite well without adjustment.

However, a bitter or alkaline flavor may result from

inadequate neutralization of baking soda

or powder. In such cases, a slight decrease in the

baking soda or baking powder usually improves results.

Quick breads with a cake-like texture are more

delicately balanced and usually benefit from

adjustments for altitude. Characteristics of a quick

bread that has not been adjusted properly for altitude

include: a porous, sugary crust; a coarse, gummy, or

oily texture; and a low volume in proportion to weight.

These characteristics usually can be improved by a

slight reduction in the proportion of leavening agents,

sugar, and fat, and/or a slight increase in the proportion

of flour, eggs, and liquid ingredients. Appropriate

selection of pan size and baking temperature also are


PASTRIES: No change necessary.

ICING, BOILED: In high altitudes, it helps to add to

the sugar 1/8 teaspoon glycerin and to allow a longer

cooking period.

CANDY: The purpose of boiling this mixture is to evaporate the liquid to a desired degree of concentration within a

reasonable time. Because these mixtures will boil at a lower temperature, they will be “done” at a lower temperature.

There are two ways to test for doneness. This is with the cold water test or with a thermometer designed for this

purpose. When the cold water test is used, it will be necessary to learn the feel of the mixture at different stages (soft

ball, hard ball, crack, etc). The following chart indicates adjustments for 5,000 feet altitude.


Fudge, Penuche, Fondant SOFT BALL - can be picked up but flattens 224-230

Caramels FIRM BALL - holds shape unless pressed 232-238

Divinity, Taffy,

Caramel Corn

HARD BALL - holds shape though pliable 240-258

Butterscotch/English Toffee SOFT CRACK - separates into hard threads but not brittle 260-280

Brittles HARD CRACK - separates into hard and brittle threads 290-300



Many changes

are necessary -

higher baking

temperature, more

liquid, less yeast,

more and shorter

rising periods.


Although most foods pose few problems, other than somewhat longer cooking times, recipes for

baked products developed at sea level can present a real challenge. The reason for most baking

problems is lower atmospheric pressure due to a thinner blanket of air above. This decreased

pressure affects food preparation in the following ways:

1) Leavening gases expand more

2) Moisture evaporates faster from foods at a given temperature

3) Water and other liquids boil at lower temperatures

4) In addition, because the climate of high altitude areas usually is drier than at lower

elevations, flour may be drier and doughs therefore may require more liquid to reach the

proper consistency

| YEAST: The dough rises faster in high altitudes than

at lower altitudes because the atmospheric pressure is

much less at high elevations than at sea level. In Weber

County, it is recommended that we use one-fourth

package of yeast to one loaf of bread.

| RISING PERIODS: High altitude has its most

pronounced effect on the rising time of yeast breads.

Yeast bread dough rises more rapidly at high altitudes

and may become overproofed. Watch it carefully and

allow it to rise only until doubled in bulk. Since the

development of a good flavor in bread partially depends

on the length of rising time, it is best to allow it to rise a

second time, and punch down again before molding into

loaves or rolls.

| TEMPERATURE: Correct baking temperature

is most necessary for high quality bread. In Weber

County, bread baked at 450 degrees for 35-40

minutes will be better than

if it is baked at a lower

temperature for a longer

time. Fancy breads

contain more sugar which

makes them brown too

fast at high temperatures

so they should be baked at

375 degrees.


Many cake recipes perfected for sea level need no modification up to an altitude

of 3,000 feet. Above that, decreased atmospheric pressure may cause a cake to rise

too quickly, causing its cell structure to overexpand. Oven temperatures are usually

increased although oven temperature is not affected by altitude change. The reason

you raise the oven temperature at high altitudes for leavened foods is to bake the

product faster and set the cell structure so it will not fall. Angel food and sponge

cakes present special high altitude problems. The leavening gas for these cakes is largely air. It is

important not to beat too much air into the eggs. They should be beaten only until they form a peak that falls over, not

until they are stiff and dry. Overbeating causes too much expansion of air cells and leads to their collapse. Using less

sugar, more flour, and a higher baking temperature also helps strengthen the cell structure of foam-type cakes.


BAKING POWDER: For each teaspoon, decrease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon

SUGAR: For each cup, decrease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3 tablespoons

LIQUID: For each cup, increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tablespoons

FLOUR: For each cake mix, increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tablespoons


INGREDIENT If too MUCH is used, cake is . . . If too LITTLE is used, cake is . . .

Leavening Very coarse; loose; sometimes slightly

fallen; bitter taste; runs over top of pan

Small; compact; heavy; light color

Flour Dry; peaked or cracked top; bread

like; compact; tough crust

May fall; slightly heavy or soggy

Sugar Tough; heavy; thick crust-cracked,

sugary, sticky; coarse texture; runs

over top of pan

May be dry and coarse; tough; does

not brown readily

Fat Crisp; uneven edges; greasy and

crumbly; heavy; falls

Coarse texture; tough crust; dry cake;

light color

Liquid Tunnels; heavy streaks; soggy Coarse; bread like; dry; cracks on top

Temperature Coarse; thick; tough crust; peaked and

often cracked

Undersized; heavy; close; crumbly

texture; pale; sticky crust; runs over

top of pan

Pan size TOO LARGE - Undersized cake; light

crust color

TOO SMALL - Runs over top; falls in




7 cups white flour, apx.

½ tablespoon dry granular yeast

¼ cup warm water (110 degrees F)

2 ½ cups warm milk

3 tablespoons shortening

3 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon salt

Combine yeast and warm water; set aside. Combine warm milk, shortening,

sugar and salt in mixing bowl. Add 4 cups of the flour; beat well. Add softened yeast and enough flour to make a soft

dough. Mix until the dough forms in an elastic ball in the bowl. Cover and let rest 10-15 minutes (makes dough easier

to knead). Place 1 cup of the flour on the kneading surface; top with dough. Knead 10-15 minutes keeping dough as

soft as possible. When the dough is smooth and satiny, and small blisters develop just under the surface of the dough, it

has been kneaded enough. Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl; turn over to coat all sides. Cover and let rise in a

warm place away from drafts until tripled in bulk. Punch it down, turn it over, cover and let rise 40 minutes. Punch it

down, turn it over, cover and let rise 20 minutes. Divide into two balls for loaves; cover and rest dough 10 minutes.

Mold into loaves and put into two greased loaf pan. Cover with a damp cloth; let rise until dough is even with the top

of the pan. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 40-45 minutes. Turn bread out onto wire cooling racks; cool and package.


2 cups sifted cake flour

1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup shortening

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 eggs, beaten

3/4 cup skim milk

Grease and flour two 8-inch cake pans or one 9x13x2-

inch cake pan. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, and

salt; set aside. Cream shortening in mixer bowl until

light. Add sugar and vanilla gradually and cream until

light and fluffy (about 5 minutes on medium speed). Add

beaten eggs and beat one minute on medium speed.

Add flour mixture and milk together by fourths, mixing

one minute on low speed after each addition. Pour batter

into prepared pan(s). Bake at 375 degrees F for 25 to 30

minutes. Remove from oven and cool for about 12

minutes. Remove from pans and allow to finish cooling

on rack.


* Chocolate SS Substitute 1/2 cup sifted cocoa for 1/2

cup flour.

* Spice SS Add 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon

cloves, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon to the flour



2 cups sifted cake flour

1/2 cup cocoa

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 cup sugar

2/3 cup vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 eggs

1 cup skim milk

Grease and flour pans. Mix and sift flour, cocoa, baking

powder, and sugar into mixer bowl. Add oil, vanilla,

eggs, and milk. Beat 30 seconds on low speed, scraping

frequently. Beat 7-1/2 minutes on medium speed with an

upright mixer or 6 minutes on high speed with a portable

mixer, scraping 4 to 5 times. Pour batter into prepared

pans. Bake at 375 degrees F for the time recommended

below.* Remove from oven and cool in pan for about 12

minutes. Remove from pan and allow to finish cooling on


*Oblong, 9x13x2-inch, about 30 to 35 minutes. Reduce

heat to 350 degrees F.

*Two layers, 8-inch, about 28 minutes.

* 24 cupcakes (1/2 full), about 25 minutes.


1 cup plus 1 tablespoon sifted cake flour

1 cup sugar

14 egg whites

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons cream of tartar

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

Sift together flour and 1/2 cup sugar 3 times. Place egg whites, salt, and cream

of tartar into mixing bowl and beat at high speed until soft, but not until stiff

peaks form. With the mixer running, add 1/2 cup sugar slowly close to the

beaters. Add vanilla and almond extract. Beat until quite stiff, but not dry peaks.

Add sifted flour-sugar mixture by fourths. Mix on low speed 10 seconds after

each of the first 3 additions and 20 seconds after the last addition. Scrape down

the sides constantly during this mixing. Pour batter into a 10-inch ungreased tube

pan. Bake at 400 degrees F for approximately 30 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool in inverted pan.


* Chocolate SS Substitute 1/4 cup sifted cocoa for 1/4 cup cake flour. Omit the almond extract. Increase the vanilla to

1-1/2 teaspoons.

* Spice SS Sift with the flour 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon cloves, and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Omit vanilla and

almond extracts.

Topping: Mix whipped cream with crushed peanut brittle, or crushed peppermint candy, or fresh/frozen fruit and top

slices of angel food cake.


3/4 cup vegetable oil

1-1/4 cups sugar

4 eggs

1/2 cup skim milk

2 cups shredded carrots

1 8-oz. can crushed pineapple, undrained

2-1/2 cup all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup raisins

Grease bottom and sides of bundt cake pan. Mix together oil, sugar, eggs, milk, carrots, and pineapple in large bowl. Mix

and sift flour, cinnamon, soda, and salt. Add dry ingredients to liquid mixture and mix until well blended. Blend in raisins.

Pour batter into prepared pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 40 to 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out

clean. Remove from oven and cool in pan for 30 minutes. Remove from pan and frost with Cream Cheese Frosting*, if


* Cream Cheese Frosting: Blend 6-oz. softened cream cheese, 1 tablespoon milk and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Gradually

beat in 1-1/2 cups sifted confectioners sugar. Spread on cooled cake.

* Low Fat Version: Reduce sugar to 1 cup, vegetable oil to 1/2 cup, and eggs to two. Substitute 2-1/4 cups whole

wheat flour for the 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour. Omit the salt. Reduce the baking time to 30-40 minutes or until

toothpick comes out clean.Bakers in the mountains: Just moved to 7000 ft %26amp; need general rules of thumb for tweeking in my bread recipes
Yeast dough rises faster at higher elevations and can become overproofed if you don't watch it carefully. Allow it to rise ONLY until doubled in bulk. Keep track of what works for your area. (Yeast freshness of staleness will also have a factor).

Bread baking times usually stay the same, but the temperature needs to be a bit hotter, about 10 to 15 degrees. Again, experiment and keep track.

Barometric pressure and humidity levels are also factors.

';The Joy of Cooking'; cookbook has special notations for altitude cooking, in those categories that are affected - it's the best one that I've found, as it covers so many types of cooking.

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